Disney Family

Disney Family

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

A Search For Adventure

A quick blog post today, peeps! I just wanted to let you know that for the next couple of weeks my blog will be inactive. Now don't worry, I don't have any plans of stopping permanently, but I do have some things coming up that will be keeping me busy. Let's just say that a couple of my Running Wishes are going to be fulfilled and I am super excited. So as I pursue this upcoming adventure I would like to leave you with this article on...you guessed it...adventure!

Through my 53 years of life I have always fancied myself as a bit of an adventurer. Generally my adventures involved Disney, but every so often my family and I would explore other parts of the country and sometimes the world. I have seen whales in Maine, viewed an avalanche above a mountain lake in Montana, and of course discovered my love for Haiti. And I'm not stopping there! I see even more adventures on the horizon, five of which I will share in just a moment.

So where did my thirst for adventure begin? Possibly it began when I was very young and living with my Mom and Dad. Because my Mom never could settle down on a place I had been moved over thirty times all across the country. Some of my favourite states we stayed in were Colorado, Florida, and Virginia. (Which is a good thing because I'll be in Virginia for the next 15 years!) When I got out of college I continued the trend of moving around until I met my Prince and well, you basically know the story from there. The longest we ever stayed in one place was eight years, but I guess I'll be breaking that record soon!

My love for adventure was inherited by my three sleeping beauties (some more extreme than others) and they continued the trend of traveling. My middle child has even just returned from a ten month trip to Great Britain where she had the chance to go to Macedonia, Bosnia, Spain, Wales, Turkey, Scotland, etc.!

And now for the list of the top five places I would like to visit!

1. Australia--This has always been a dream for me ever since I was little. However, this particular adventure has been on the horizon for years and as of right now it's going to stay there for a while still.

2. Norway--My desire to visit this country is fairly recent. I know what you're thinking. That it was inspired by the movie Frozen, but I had it a little before then. Frozen just helped to strengthen this wish for adventure.

3. New Zealand--New Zealand for me goes hand in hand with Australia. The sprawling mountains, the lush, green fields, and the scenic, ocean views...all of which have inspired fantastical stories! Who wouldn't want to go see that?

4. Hawaii--Surfing, volcanoes, and gorgeous island locations. Need I say more?

5. Japan--Tokyo Disney...I'm sure there's more to it like Mt. Fuji, but I'm still stuck on Tokyo Disney here!

Well that's a wrap on this post. Now it's time to embark on my adventure. I'll miss posting in the next couple of weeks, but maybe I'll have stories to tell when things are less busy. Until then...

Buckle up, it's going to be a bumpy night ride!

Pixie Dust Corner: "Adventure is out there!" -UP

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Dashing Day: To Run a Marathon or Not....NOT

This week saw the running of the prestigious Boston Marathon take place. The winner of this 26.2 mile little jaunt, MEB Keflezighi, completed the marathon in 2 hours, 8 minutes, and 37 seconds. That's roughly a 4.88 minute per mile run. I would have to be Dash from The Incredibles to even think that fast!

Also this week, registration for the "biggie" Walt Disney World Marathon Weekend opened. Along with a full marathon, this race weekend offers a half marathon, 10k, 5k, and a Dopey Challenge. To find more information on this awesome event check out rundisney.com: http://www.rundisney.com/

When registration opened I noticed that a lot of the fun loving Disney bloggers that I follow were contemplating the 26.2 full marathon. Within the hour most of them had succumbed to the challenge. For some this will be their first full and for others they will be returning as seasoned veterans. As for me I can only offer my kudos to all who signed up! I will be cheering for you from now until you cross the finish line!

I did not sign up and will NEVER EVER be Goofy enough to think I could do it. But it did get me thinking about what my running wishes are. (Note that I did not use the word goals here) Once I say goal to someone-- I.E. My Prince Charming--he makes me accountable for it. Too much stress! Which brings me to my running wishes.

Running Wishes:

1. Enter, finish, not finish last in my first 5k with Sleeping Beauty #3 (Third Daughter)

2.  Be in the same 8k race with my Prince Charming. The only problem? He's tall which means long legs, long stride, and a bigger effort to keep up. Prince Charming is...fast...I don't have a chance of keeping up with him!

3. A 10k Disney race.

4. A half marathon at either Disney World or Disneyland.

5. The ultimate for me (remember I said NO full Marathons) is the runDisney coast to coast medal! And yes, some day I will earn it. Some day...

6. To increase my running pace so walkers, old gentlemen with canes, 9 months pregnant women, snails...don't pass me! I'm really, really slow. Really!

7.  To continue on this health and fitness journey for as long as this body allows it!

8. HAVE FUN...Because what's life if we don't have fun along the way?

So there's my little list of running goals wishes. For those of you running the full marathon at Disney next January, I will be glad to encourage you and cheer you on. But for now, me and my two little feet will only train for the half! Until then...

Fasten your seatbelts, it's going to be a bumpy ride!

Pixie Dust Corner: "If your dreams don't scare you, they're not big enough." Unknown

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Disney Day: A Few of My Favourite Things

Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens
Bright copper kettles and warm woollen mittens
Brown paper packages tied up with strings
These are a few of my favourite things!
Admit it, you read the lyrics and burst out in your best Julie Andrews or at least fondly recalled the scene from the film. That is if you are old enough to remember the classic, Sound of Music movie. But moving along, let's talk about some of my and maybe your favourite Disney things.
Disclaimer: These "favourite things" may be found to be irrelevant in the near future, not based on scientific data, but because my preference may change by tomorrow!
MK= Magic Kingdom   DAK= Disney's Animal Kingdom  
HS= Hollywood Studios   Epcot= Epcot
1. Favourite Theme Park-- Okay, let's be honest. Can you really have a favourite theme park with Disney? For a while I thought I could until a few years later my park went from Epcot to Magic Kingdom. So yes, I started the list off with something I can't really give an answer to!
    Each park is so distinct that it would be like comparing apples to oranges. And sure they give the whole "Four Parks, One World" to make it seem easier to choose, but it isn't. Like countries in the world, each park has its own unique theme, décor, character, and story line.
    Now since I can't name a favourite I will rank them! (Keep in mind that even this ranking is subject to change) A) MK   B) HS   C) DAK   D) Epcot
2. Rides-- Toy Story Mania at HS hands down. It's the one where I will throw a tantrum like a two year old if we don't get fastpasses! Okay, I really don't through tantrums, but you get my point right? This ride is awesome and I look forward to it on every Disney visit. I don't even high scores and I love it! My accuracy? Let's say that it is well south of 50%.
    Of course a close second for my favourite would have to be Expedition Everest at DAK. All other rides are tied for first! I know, I know. You may think that's cheating, but you try to pick a favourite only to remember another ride that you know you love.
3. Restaurants-- I don't even have to think twice, blink, or use any brain cells for this one. My absolute favourite Disney restaurant is (Drumroll please) -- 'Ohana's! Who can beat sizzling skewers of beef, chicken, pork, and shrimp. Unending bowls of noodles and vegetables. Waiters who make you feel at home and call you cuz (Short for cousin, because we're all family there!). Oh! And the bread pudding. Mmm. I can taste it now....*Ahem* Excuse me while I snap out of my food trance and go clean the drool off my keyboard.
4. Sweet Treats-- And I'm back to talk about my favourite sweet treat. Now not a lot of people know of this place and most even walk on by without a second glance, but I'm going to let you in on one of the best deserts in MK. Are you ready? Pineapple Dole Whips. Located in a little shop just a few steps from the Swiss Family Robinson Tree, the Pineapple Dole Whips are a must have at once on our trips. Like I said before, not a lot of people know about it and so when we have friends going down we try to mention it so they don't miss out.
    However, I will whine just a moment and ask if the Disney Fairies could possibly make one for those of us with dairy issues. I would love to have more than a couple bites at some point in my life! Please and thank you!
5. Snacks-- The Egg rolls at the DAK's Yak and Yeti counter service. One word--Yum!
6. Resorts-- For my family it would be the Fort Wilderness Campgrounds. Setting up tents, hearing the boat horns on the waters, and grilling out. It can't get better than that--Well, except for when they greet you at the front gate with a happy "Welcome Home" is a great way to start it out.
7. Bathrooms-- Yep! There's no need to double check. You read that right. I know the Disney park bathrooms like the back of my hand. The reason being: I'm a Mom with three kids--don't judge! And so my favourite bathroom is the one to the side of the Pirates of the Caribbean gift shop. It's quiet, cool, and usually unoccupied.
Well that's a wrap for now! What are some of your favourite things about Disney?
Pixie Dust Corner: "Oh look! I've been impaled!" Olaf from Frozen.
(Favourite Disney movie quote. Short, sweet, and to the point! Get it? Point! :) )

Monday, April 14, 2014

Mish Mash Monday

This is the day I get to blog about things that are not Disney, Dashing, or Beyond. Translation; any topic I choose may come to mind and when that happens you better fasten your seatbelts--it's going to be a bumpy ride!

Todays Monday topic is going to be about...wait for it...Monday! When the weekend ends and the week begins do you sometimes feel like this on your Monday morning?

What is it about this day that makes it seem like utter torture and drudgery? Sometimes it feels like getting hit by a meteor would be preferred as opposed to starting this day. Somehow through the years Monday had evolved from the first day of the week to a fire breathing beast raging around us. Maybe, just maybe, if we rewired our thinking about this dragon, we could tame it.

Recently we watched the movie About Time with Rachel McAdams, Billy Nighy, and Domhnall Gleeson. Essentially the main character, Tim learns he can go back in time and change what's happened in his own life. He can change his decisions, right his mistakes, and choose to make things better! How cool would that be? But in the end he decides not to use this gift of time travel and lives each day as if he is living it again for the better.

Hmm...Maybe that's how we can look at Mondays. It can be our chance to fix what we flubbed up the week before. Make things right on the new Monday. Make the world a better and nicer place. Let's get away from the gloom and doom, dragging our feet Mondays. Let's find something in our routine that is fun and beautiful or create a chance to appreciate life. And if that doesn't work--well just remember that the weekend is only four days away!

Pixie Dust Corner: "We're all traveling through time together, every day of our lives. All we can do is do our best to relish this remarkable ride." -Tim (About Time)

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Disney Day: Are You Ready

Can you feel the excitement in the air? Do you have that giddy feeling that something REALLY GOOD is coming our way? And when will it be coming? SOON!! Do you know what it is? Here, I'll give you a hint:

Heigh ho, Heigh ho.....

Did you get it yet? Okay here's another hint:

Still no go? Alright I'll stop teasing!

This little piece of the New Fantasyland expansion puzzle is almost open to the public. As of this moment as I am writing there is no exact release date set for the opening of the Seven Dwarfs Roller Coaster addition. But a special "preview event" will be held for media April 30 through May 2. (Would being a blogger be considered a part of media? Because how cool would it be to see that?!) However, I'm crossing my fingers that the opening of the ride for the general public will commence soon after.

If you have been following any of the well known Disney sites and/or blogs you would know that the happiest place on Earth has been teasing us with this new ride for months now. The last time a new coaster was introduced to the World was in 2006. The coaster in question was and is Expedition Everest at Animal Kingdom. That is a long time to wait, peeps! Longer than a Downton Abbey season to come back. Longer than McDreamy and Meredith Grey to finally get together. Longer than it takes for me to plan a Disney trip!

From the glimpses that Disney has so graciously given us, it looks like we are going to be treated to an Imagineering feast! Advanced audio-animatronics, a detailed story line to follow, and a new ride system where the cars sway and tip to simulate an experience in an actual mine cart! Songs such as Heigh Ho! and The Silly Song from the classic Snow White and the Seven Dwarves are also slated to be apart of the ride.

Now in the true Disney spirit, I'll tease you with a glimpse of what's to come!! Hope to see you there taking a trip on a wild mine ride!

          Note: All images and videos belong to the Walt Disney Company

Pixie Dust Corner:

Just whistle while you work,
Put on that grin and start right in
To whistle loud and long
Just hum a merry tune
Just do your best and take a rest
And sing yourself a song
- Whistle While You Work


Thursday, April 10, 2014

Dashing Day: Be Kind To Your Feet

Feet come in all shapes and sizes:

Each of those feet and ankles above (and yours too) contain 26 bones, 33 joints, and more than 100 muscles, tendons, and ligaments. They are our shock absorbers and our propulsion machine. And within a one mile run we can pound out several TONS of pressure on those puppies!

So we need to be kind to our feet and the first way to do that is to invest in good shoes that fit well. Ones that will address such things as high, low, or no arches, over pronation, or supination to name a few.

Linking the above with running, I thought all running shoes were created equal and I was willing to live in ignorant bliss...Until I upped the anti with my training game. The increased mileage, change of pace, and texture of the ground I ran on began to take a toll on the ole feet. It felt like I was clumping around the track with six pounders on each foot. (Refer to the previous picture of me exercising below)

So I did the old dance of search and review on a lot of running shoes and decided on the Saucony Women's Cohesion 6.

What an amazing difference it made! Fantastic even. I really felt like I was running on clouds--Not that I know what that's like but you get the idea.

Okay, here's the deal. If you are about to start on this running/walking adventure, just remember--be kind to your feet. They'll thank you in the end instead of howling at the moon.

Alright, that's a wrap so until next time...

Fasten your seatbelts, it's going to be a bumpy ride!

Disclaimer: I was offered no compensation for the above and all opinions are my own.

Pixie Dust Corner: This section will offer a quote or short blurb to hopefully make you laugh, smile, or just make you happy. And since this has all started with a love for Disney, it's only appropriate to start with a quote from Mr. Walt himself.

"I hope we never lose sight of one thing--It was all started by a Mouse."

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

To Infinity and Beyond

Who is ready to go on a trip? Head into space...warp speed ahead...beam me up Scotty!

Although a journey into space might be fun I don't think I'm quite ready to go that far! But I am a travel nerd and I love a new adventure* (*Say that with your best Sean Connery accent) whether it be local or somewhere far away. So part of this blog journey will be discovering the nooks and crannies of this strange planet we call Earth.

I have come to realize that there are several different types of travellers and none of the are better or worse than the other. Those types include:

1. The county traveller. This is the type who finds adventure in a trip to the other side of the county they live in. This journey is sufficient for them and meets all their travel requirements. Easy, peasy--no packing required.

2. The single vacation spot traveller. Those that venture further than the county traveller but go to the same vacation spot every year. Whether it's a beach condo, a cabin in the mountains, or camping they are content. My PC (Prince Charming) kind of falls into this category. A nice campsite and a lake to go fishing in and he is good to go for a week. However, my wonderful second category  Prince married a third category, well...Me!

Which brings me to...

3. The one, done,  now let's move on club. The ones who get bored going to the same place year after year after year, until your hair turns grey, your beard grows long, and you become nothing more than a skeleton stuck in the same old routine. Nope! Not for me. I need to see and experience new places. There is only one place that I could go back to on a regular basis and that is--Rome! Just kidding...it's Disney. I just wanted to see if you have been paying attention to my other blog posts!

4. The thrill seekers. The crazy, nutty, ones that want to skydive and bungee jump and drive race cars on vacation...at least two of my daughters. *Shudders* I will never, ever, ever, EVER participate in any of these particular adventures and will not be blogging about them, thank you!

Since I am a #3, we will be hitting the road, packing our bags, and taking a few trips. Whether it be for recreation or mission work (I have left my heart in Haiti more than once) I hope to share my adventure on Disney, Dashing, and Beyond!

So that's is a wrap, thus ending my info blogs that explain my Disney, Dashing, and Beyond blog name. Now I can settle in, get comfortable, and tackle this strange new prospect of blogging! Get ready, because you never know what might be coming your way. Heck! Even I don't know! Until next time...

Fasten your seatbelts, it's going to be a bumpy ride!

Monday, April 7, 2014

Dashing Through Life

Sleek. Slim. Effortless running gait. A nine. Minute. Mile.

Just so you know--this isn't me! I'm the complete opposite.

Panting, clumping around the running path, lucky to even break a 16 minute mile and definitely not slim. Running is quite a task for me. A means to an end. So why am I becoming involved in this torture fest when I was so blissfully attached to my non athletic self? Well, there are several reasons with the why's and how's of my running adventure all of which will be shared in no particular order.

1. How did it start? One word--DISNEY. Once upon a time I happened to be looking up something on a Disney site and wandered into a RunDisney link. I clicked it. (My mistake) Who would have thought that running, running could be made into something fun? What I found was that Walt Disney World and Disneyland sponsored marathon and half marathon weekends that include 5k family fun runs, 10ks, 10 milers, and special challenges. Mouse meet running challenge. Running challenge meet Mouse.

2. The Why. With my wheeze inducing asthma, greying hair, and all my creaking bones, I was beginning  to feel like the crypt keeper. I needed to do something about my health and do it soon. Which brought me back to reason #1. Why not link something I love (Disney) with something I didn't love (exercise).

3. Why again. I. Don't. Want. Bingo Wings. Ladies, you all know what I'm talking about. It's that baggy skin area beneath your arm that, if a good wind came along, would pick you up and keep you at cruising altitude for miles. I want none of that!


4. Third Why. The "If she can do it, why can't I?" syndrome. Okay, story time: A Mom from the We Run Disney blog was in her 50's when she started running with her daughter. She is now 60 and qualified for the BOSTON MARATHON!!! Incredible. Inspiring. I can totally do that! Yeah, what I didn't know until recently was that this lovely woman has been athletic all her life. Unlike me who hasn't been sports minded since--like--ever. Also, just to add to the "why can't I" mentality, there is an 81 year old woman who ran in the Disneyland race earlier this year. Needless to say, both these ladies are a huge inspiration to me.

5. My Youngest Daughter. This has become a great chance to be with my Disney loving, youngest daughter, Boo. (Yes Boo. As in the little girl from Monster's Inc. which my daughter wished to be called after seeing the movie) Writing these blogs gives me one on one time with my oldest daughter. I connect with my middle daughter through our love for Haiti. So this running thing is my Boo time. Lately I've learned that you have to do what you can to spend time with your kids. Especially your grown kids who you might not see as often.

Those are just the basics of how and why I'm participating in this torture disguised as fun. Having a goal like Disney is what keeps me going when things get hard or even a little painful (or a lot painful). My biggest goal is at some point earning the coast to coast medal from RunDisney. Translation: Coast to coast will be 13.1 miles coming in as the longest race I will ever do. Because mark my words--I will never, EVER, NEVER run a marathon.

So for now, that's a wrap and in the meantime...

Fasten you seatbelts, it's going to be a bumpy ride!

What got you into running and what are your goals?

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Falling in Love with the Mouse

I haven't always been a Disney geek. In fact it wasn't until about 18 years ago that I became enamoured with the Mouse. So here's the story of how it came to be...

Growing up my only connection with Walt came on Sunday evenings when he came on TV to present his family show. (And yes--it was in black and white with rabbit ears for the TV antennae). I never even knew there was a theme park in Florida or California until my parents went on a trip there. Alone. Without me. (If you can imagine that!)

Fast-forward a few years and before I knew it I was out of college and working in Florida. My stint in the sunshine state only lasted about 3 years of my life before I was redirected to Virginia. But before I moved I was going to see what all the hoopla about Disney was. So I went over for a couple of nights. Stayed off property, because why invest too much money for only two theme parks? (Said my younger, naïve self) That's right, there were only two theme parks there the first time I went. Magic Kingdom and Epcot. To be honest I don't remember too much about that trip, but that was when the magic first took a hold of me whether I knew it or not.

(Prince and Sleeping Beauties)

Ten years later I am living in Virginia. I met and married my Prince Charming and had three little sleeping beauties of my own. In 1999 my husband lands a job in...drum roll please...Florida. To entice the girls (i.e. pull them away from friends and move) I dangled the "We'll go to Disney" carrot! Needless to say, it worked.

When we got settled we decided to wait a couple of years until our youngest turned five. We waited six months. Soon we were packed and headed to the happiest place on Earth where we were greeted at the Fort Wilderness camp ground with two of the most magical words ever..."Welcome Home!" Ahhh! Can you hear them say it? Greeting you as you come in? Just two little words and yet it always makes me smile!

So, when did I fall for the Mouse? Was it when Walt came on my TV or when I visited the parks for the first time? Was it when I heard a smiling cast member welcome me home? Nope, but they were the building blocks. The moment I fell for the Mouse was when we took the girls into the Magic Kingdom for the first time. It was when I watched them at a character meet and greet with Mickey and Minnie. Their eyes were HUGE and their smiles just as big. Who would have ever guessed that a big mouse with oversized hands and ears, who couldn't say one word, could ever make someone that happy?

And that, ladies and gentlemen, was when I fell in love...

When did you first meet Mickey? When did you fall in love?

Friday, April 4, 2014

Mis-adventures of a Midlife Mom

Writing and running. At 53 years of age I have now found myself doing both. I love doing both...NOT! What the heck? Why am I doing this? What is this blog going to be about? These are the questions the universe wants answered. Okay, that's going a bit big there, but I will try to get to the bottom of this.

So first of all, I have figured out what this blog is going to be about. From the name of the blog you should have the idea that it will be about DISNEY!! Maybe not all things Disney, but a lot of Disney!

The Dashing part of the title will be about my feeble entry into the running world. Haven't quite entered that world yet, but I'm working on it. (Ugh!)

And Beyond--I'm a travel geek and love new adventures so part of this blog will be about that. Oh and of course with me being 53 I just might be hormonal, and being that, you might see an occasional writing tantrum.

Now, on to the why part! Well here are my top reasons for creating this blog in no particular order:

1. I may have mentioned the idea of me doing this blog to my oldest daughter who happens to be...wait for it...a writer. She has since been nagging encouraging me every so often to go through with this. It must have worked, because here I am!

2. Disney--I love Disney. I have three daughters who love Disney. My husband, not as much. So if I write about it then I won't be so apt to overwhelm him with my enthusiasm for it!

3. The dashing/running/gasping for air/curling up in a ball and dying part. When I began this part of my journey I Googled it, like any smart person would. I searched for 53 year old slightly overweight just starting to run. Didn't find too much and certainly didn't find a blog out there that addressed this. So why not me? I could be the guinea pig on this one. Your Google answer!

4. Maybe, just maybe what I write will help another person on their journey. Isn't that what life should be about--helping each other? A word, an act, some encouragement--just saying! Blogs have helped me so what if my blog could help someone else?

5. Did I mention I was 53...and hormonal? So maybe this is a bit of midlife crisis thing going on here. Time to step out of the box for me. Get a little adventure going on. Admit it lady peeps, you want to let it all out sometimes too!

6. I want to offer a place where you can go and just chill for a bit. Have fun. Dream a little. Get a bit of pixie dust sprinkled on you!

Well, this is a wrap. I'm done for now. Don't worry, my posts will be a lot shorter than this. Also in weeks to come look for Facebook and Twitter connections! So for now...

Fasten your seatbelts, it's going to be a bumpy night ride!