Disney Family

Disney Family

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

To Infinity and Beyond

Who is ready to go on a trip? Head into space...warp speed ahead...beam me up Scotty!

Although a journey into space might be fun I don't think I'm quite ready to go that far! But I am a travel nerd and I love a new adventure* (*Say that with your best Sean Connery accent) whether it be local or somewhere far away. So part of this blog journey will be discovering the nooks and crannies of this strange planet we call Earth.

I have come to realize that there are several different types of travellers and none of the are better or worse than the other. Those types include:

1. The county traveller. This is the type who finds adventure in a trip to the other side of the county they live in. This journey is sufficient for them and meets all their travel requirements. Easy, peasy--no packing required.

2. The single vacation spot traveller. Those that venture further than the county traveller but go to the same vacation spot every year. Whether it's a beach condo, a cabin in the mountains, or camping they are content. My PC (Prince Charming) kind of falls into this category. A nice campsite and a lake to go fishing in and he is good to go for a week. However, my wonderful second category  Prince married a third category, well...Me!

Which brings me to...

3. The one, done,  now let's move on club. The ones who get bored going to the same place year after year after year, until your hair turns grey, your beard grows long, and you become nothing more than a skeleton stuck in the same old routine. Nope! Not for me. I need to see and experience new places. There is only one place that I could go back to on a regular basis and that is--Rome! Just kidding...it's Disney. I just wanted to see if you have been paying attention to my other blog posts!

4. The thrill seekers. The crazy, nutty, ones that want to skydive and bungee jump and drive race cars on vacation...at least two of my daughters. *Shudders* I will never, ever, ever, EVER participate in any of these particular adventures and will not be blogging about them, thank you!

Since I am a #3, we will be hitting the road, packing our bags, and taking a few trips. Whether it be for recreation or mission work (I have left my heart in Haiti more than once) I hope to share my adventure on Disney, Dashing, and Beyond!

So that's is a wrap, thus ending my info blogs that explain my Disney, Dashing, and Beyond blog name. Now I can settle in, get comfortable, and tackle this strange new prospect of blogging! Get ready, because you never know what might be coming your way. Heck! Even I don't know! Until next time...

Fasten your seatbelts, it's going to be a bumpy ride!

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