Disney Family

Disney Family

Monday, April 14, 2014

Mish Mash Monday

This is the day I get to blog about things that are not Disney, Dashing, or Beyond. Translation; any topic I choose may come to mind and when that happens you better fasten your seatbelts--it's going to be a bumpy ride!

Todays Monday topic is going to be about...wait for it...Monday! When the weekend ends and the week begins do you sometimes feel like this on your Monday morning?

What is it about this day that makes it seem like utter torture and drudgery? Sometimes it feels like getting hit by a meteor would be preferred as opposed to starting this day. Somehow through the years Monday had evolved from the first day of the week to a fire breathing beast raging around us. Maybe, just maybe, if we rewired our thinking about this dragon, we could tame it.

Recently we watched the movie About Time with Rachel McAdams, Billy Nighy, and Domhnall Gleeson. Essentially the main character, Tim learns he can go back in time and change what's happened in his own life. He can change his decisions, right his mistakes, and choose to make things better! How cool would that be? But in the end he decides not to use this gift of time travel and lives each day as if he is living it again for the better.

Hmm...Maybe that's how we can look at Mondays. It can be our chance to fix what we flubbed up the week before. Make things right on the new Monday. Make the world a better and nicer place. Let's get away from the gloom and doom, dragging our feet Mondays. Let's find something in our routine that is fun and beautiful or create a chance to appreciate life. And if that doesn't work--well just remember that the weekend is only four days away!

Pixie Dust Corner: "We're all traveling through time together, every day of our lives. All we can do is do our best to relish this remarkable ride." -Tim (About Time)

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