Disney Family

Disney Family

Friday, April 4, 2014

Mis-adventures of a Midlife Mom

Writing and running. At 53 years of age I have now found myself doing both. I love doing both...NOT! What the heck? Why am I doing this? What is this blog going to be about? These are the questions the universe wants answered. Okay, that's going a bit big there, but I will try to get to the bottom of this.

So first of all, I have figured out what this blog is going to be about. From the name of the blog you should have the idea that it will be about DISNEY!! Maybe not all things Disney, but a lot of Disney!

The Dashing part of the title will be about my feeble entry into the running world. Haven't quite entered that world yet, but I'm working on it. (Ugh!)

And Beyond--I'm a travel geek and love new adventures so part of this blog will be about that. Oh and of course with me being 53 I just might be hormonal, and being that, you might see an occasional writing tantrum.

Now, on to the why part! Well here are my top reasons for creating this blog in no particular order:

1. I may have mentioned the idea of me doing this blog to my oldest daughter who happens to be...wait for it...a writer. She has since been nagging encouraging me every so often to go through with this. It must have worked, because here I am!

2. Disney--I love Disney. I have three daughters who love Disney. My husband, not as much. So if I write about it then I won't be so apt to overwhelm him with my enthusiasm for it!

3. The dashing/running/gasping for air/curling up in a ball and dying part. When I began this part of my journey I Googled it, like any smart person would. I searched for 53 year old slightly overweight just starting to run. Didn't find too much and certainly didn't find a blog out there that addressed this. So why not me? I could be the guinea pig on this one. Your Google answer!

4. Maybe, just maybe what I write will help another person on their journey. Isn't that what life should be about--helping each other? A word, an act, some encouragement--just saying! Blogs have helped me so what if my blog could help someone else?

5. Did I mention I was 53...and hormonal? So maybe this is a bit of midlife crisis thing going on here. Time to step out of the box for me. Get a little adventure going on. Admit it lady peeps, you want to let it all out sometimes too!

6. I want to offer a place where you can go and just chill for a bit. Have fun. Dream a little. Get a bit of pixie dust sprinkled on you!

Well, this is a wrap. I'm done for now. Don't worry, my posts will be a lot shorter than this. Also in weeks to come look for Facebook and Twitter connections! So for now...

Fasten your seatbelts, it's going to be a bumpy night ride!

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