Disney Family

Disney Family

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Dashing Day: To Run a Marathon or Not....NOT

This week saw the running of the prestigious Boston Marathon take place. The winner of this 26.2 mile little jaunt, MEB Keflezighi, completed the marathon in 2 hours, 8 minutes, and 37 seconds. That's roughly a 4.88 minute per mile run. I would have to be Dash from The Incredibles to even think that fast!

Also this week, registration for the "biggie" Walt Disney World Marathon Weekend opened. Along with a full marathon, this race weekend offers a half marathon, 10k, 5k, and a Dopey Challenge. To find more information on this awesome event check out rundisney.com: http://www.rundisney.com/

When registration opened I noticed that a lot of the fun loving Disney bloggers that I follow were contemplating the 26.2 full marathon. Within the hour most of them had succumbed to the challenge. For some this will be their first full and for others they will be returning as seasoned veterans. As for me I can only offer my kudos to all who signed up! I will be cheering for you from now until you cross the finish line!

I did not sign up and will NEVER EVER be Goofy enough to think I could do it. But it did get me thinking about what my running wishes are. (Note that I did not use the word goals here) Once I say goal to someone-- I.E. My Prince Charming--he makes me accountable for it. Too much stress! Which brings me to my running wishes.

Running Wishes:

1. Enter, finish, not finish last in my first 5k with Sleeping Beauty #3 (Third Daughter)

2.  Be in the same 8k race with my Prince Charming. The only problem? He's tall which means long legs, long stride, and a bigger effort to keep up. Prince Charming is...fast...I don't have a chance of keeping up with him!

3. A 10k Disney race.

4. A half marathon at either Disney World or Disneyland.

5. The ultimate for me (remember I said NO full Marathons) is the runDisney coast to coast medal! And yes, some day I will earn it. Some day...

6. To increase my running pace so walkers, old gentlemen with canes, 9 months pregnant women, snails...don't pass me! I'm really, really slow. Really!

7.  To continue on this health and fitness journey for as long as this body allows it!

8. HAVE FUN...Because what's life if we don't have fun along the way?

So there's my little list of running goals wishes. For those of you running the full marathon at Disney next January, I will be glad to encourage you and cheer you on. But for now, me and my two little feet will only train for the half! Until then...

Fasten your seatbelts, it's going to be a bumpy ride!

Pixie Dust Corner: "If your dreams don't scare you, they're not big enough." Unknown

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